On your bike…

Well actually it’s on my bike.

I bought a nice bike from King Cycle in Greenwich in order to get fitter, save money and enjoy the summer. So far it’s been amazing. Yes, my arse hurts and my legs burn when going up the smallest of hills but I’m feeling great.

I’m lucky that I don’t have to ride on the road and have a cycle path from home to work. It’s a little isolated and if I fell off or bumped into a mugger on my way, it would be some time before anyone found the body. In contrast it is used by a few fellow bikers. Most of which pass me by…

What do we think of Doctor Who so far.  I’m not too impressed so far.  Too much has changed too quickly.

The Doctor, The TARDIS, The Daleks and the writing is not up to the expectations we all had for Steven Moffet.  He should have made the best Doctor Who ever, but all I can ask is… Bring back David Tennant and Bring back Russell T Davies.

I’ll keep watching, as I’m a fan.  Only hoping that it gets better.


2 thoughts on “On your bike…

  • April 27, 2010 at 8:38 am

    Loving the metal mare Mark. You should oil her up regular and ride her senseless. 🙂

  • April 27, 2010 at 6:59 pm

    Hello mark. like the bike, and the hat mark.good luck with it.

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