Universe Saved…

So many things irritate me, like children that cry, scream and misbehave and the parents who do nothing about it. People who start conversations with, ‘What it is yeah.’ And those people who read my blog and never leave any feedback… You know who you are!!!

Then there are the OCD things in my life. The things that if not put right, will result in the universe clearly being destroyed or at the very least, being slightly singed around the edges. These things included tins in the cupboard being around the right way, switches in the right position and having a shave before brushing my teeth in the morning. Okay, I might be mad but I have my routines and I’m happy with that. However, don’t blame me if you wake up in the morning and have no universe because I didn’t have the beans facing the right way.

Outside my lounge window is a great view across the River Thames but sadly this was disturb with an orange carrier bag caught on some trees. It had been caught for a number of weeks and it was starting to annoy me. I mean, how can this be allowed to continue. I mentioned my pain and anguish to my girlfriend and we decided to remove it. Having walked down to the trees it would appear that the trees were in fact bushes with razor short thorns and the bag was the other side of what can only be described as natures WW2 barbwire. Being at the far side it was clearly impossible to remove and I gave up any hope of removing this blight on the landscape. Fleur on the other hand had other ideas and decided to crawl in the mud, under the bushes and towards the thin gap between the river wall and the river itself. As she did this rather bold and crazy feat, she would catch herself on the odd thorn, which scratched her back and made it bleed. However, she continued to crawl with determination until she reached the other side and the orange bag, which was caught on the razor sharp thorns.

Fox Crawl

She smiled as she removed the bag and threw it towards me. At this point a gust of wind blew it and it once again landed on more thorns of pain some distance away. It was at this stage that the word ‘bugger me ‘was used. Or something similar or more colorful… She again had to crawl through the mud and scratch more of herself in the process until she had finally and once again, rescued the orange bag.

Fox Cawl

Fox Crawl

Now I hope you are all very happy about this, as Fleur has clearly saved the universe single-handed and until now, you didn’t even know it was in danger…


One thought on “Universe Saved…

  • January 21, 2012 at 6:14 pm

    I am sure that I won’t be the only one reading this and admiring the level of chivalry you offered here Mark. Taking these photos shows what a true gentleman you are…

    Love to both. James

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