Arsehole Day…

Woke up and the Royal Navy had gone first thing… Sad for my friend Adrian who would have loved seeing a few sailors first thing in the morning!!! 🙂

Well, today was one of those days when every arsehole in the world missed the psychiatric ward and wanted to argue the toss about the most stupid of things. One said, “I bought a printer in 1971 and I’d like a refund as it’s not the right colour…” Well, not really but not far off. Also had a question regarding my right to remove something from sale as it was marked up wrong. Wild horses wouldn’t make me give away £200 worth of discount. However, I couldn’t get any help to make sure I was right to do it. I looked online, on our Intranet, called the Pope and called Head office who couldn’t offer a nuggets worth of advice. Good to know you’re backed up… In the end the customer left before I could get an answer. Only later in the day did the answer come in the form of a web question that said, !Yes I can refuse to sell an item.” Phew!!! Not a nice one that…

My cousin has found some pictures of me taken in 1980 at a fancy dress party. I’m not sure I’ll post them, unless I get some requests??? More over it was great to see my grand parents looking so young and my dad so healthy. Even if he is dressed as a woman!!!

My DIET WAR is in it’s second day. I didn’t feel too bad really. Grapes and water have kept me going along with the Slim Fast. Got a bit hungry towards the end of the day. I had to pop into Sainsburys to get some milk. Never shop on an empty stomach. I spent £25.

You live and learn.


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