Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you…

Well the past few days back at work have had more downs than ups. Its clear to me that some people are trying to catch me out to prove something. I’m glad to say that these people are failing. Not that I get a sorry for making accusations or getting it wrong. Also it’s been a week of people that are in angry mode and want a fight over the most stupid of things. Either way, I didn’t let these people get the better of me but it has taken it’s toll on my mood. I’m slowly being worn down by all the business bollocks that I’m sure happens in every business but not being listened to is really insulting to my experience. I just want to go to work and be treated like an adult and not like a C**T.

My Diet War continues and so far I’m feeling okay. I’m not missing bad food for lunch or Cornflakes in the morning. I’m saving a fortune and I’m feeling better for it. I’m still some way off running the London marathon on the 25th April but if I can lose weight slow and steady I might keep it off. However, I’m having a small side effect. Spots. Why am I getting spots when I don’t eat bad food. Maybe my body is rejecting the goodness.

I wanted to pay my road tax today online. No such luck. Turns out my MOT wasn’t added to the database and now I have to queue up at the post office with all the scumbags. Cashier number 8 please!!! £210 to drive on pot holed roads with speed mountains on every street, parking restrictions everywhere and fuel prices to rival that of Bull Semen. Rip off Britain and I hear fuel is about to go up again.

I think I’m becoming Victor Meldrew. “Unbelievable! I don’t bloody believe it”


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