Watch out for killer OAPs…

I took a short walk along the river with Fleur on Saturday. Not a long walk as it started to rain and get cold and dark. Considering that that week had been sunshine and warmer than normal, it was a shame that I had to come in early.

I did get to walk across Galleons Lock itself, with its low chain and long drop into the river Thames. I’m not sure it’s the safest place to walk or should even be allowed in our nanny state of health and safety…

Also at the weekend I watched a movie called Harry Brown. I really enjoyed the realism and darkness of this British films starring Michael Cane. Caine plays the title role of an OAP former Marine who goes vigilantly on some local scum who killed his friend and generally behave like animals. Sadly the scum are some of the people I see every day at work. Unlike clever criminals, these people dress and act in an obvious way that it’s hard to miss. However, this is mainly due to their belief that they are untouchable, cocky beyond measure and fully aware of the limitations of the law. It’s all the more fitting that the true justice in a society that fails to protect the citizen from these animals is terminal bloody violence from the last person you would expect to exercise revenge.

I love the fact this movie was shot locally in East London and in South London, near to where Michael Caine was born. The underpass that features in the film is opposite where my friend Sonny lives and serves to hammer home the realism for me. A great film and well worth seeing.

Moan of the week. Has anyone seen the commercials on Television for Quickquid. These are loans for poor people with a mind blowing interest rate of 2222.46% APR. It’s shame that the poorest people get even further into debt with these loans. How can that be allowed?
I’m off for the next couple of days on a training course at the Staverton Park De Vere Spa hotel in Northamptonshire. The course is to teach me coaching techniques to get the best out of my team at work. These courses are really expensive to run for the company and I’m hoping to learn something new.
I got a new application for the iPhone called Ageing booth. I love it but it didn’t work too well on the dog!!! See the results on me…

My beautiful girlfriend has given me a book to read, The girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Has anyone else read it? Fleur thinks it fantastic, so I’ll take her word for it and give it a go. I’m not really into novels. This could be something new for me to get into.

Love and Laughs,


Hole and Chips with an Apple…

It’s been a few days since I wrote on my blog. Time and lack of anything interesting had much to do with it. However, it’s nice to hear that people have been reading it and some have even left comments. Please continue to do so. Just say hello and let me know you visited.
A few days ago I visited the Apple store in Bluewater where the nice girl decided to break my iPhone while trying on the latest case for sale. She ripped off the volume button and Apple were forced to replace the phone for a new one and give me £35 of free stuff. Seeing as I want to change it for the new model in the summer, that works out really well actually. It will certainly be easier to sell without all the scratches and it had been dropped a fair few times!!!

Pot hole Britain is getting worse. Had to drive around a crater in the road the other day that was so big James Corden and Beth Ditto are still missing inside!!!

When will the council do something about them? It’s not only the holes that are the problem. My windscreen has another chip today caused my lose stones. It got so bad today I thought I was being shot at with a machine gun…

The Diet War continues with a goal scored against me. The Big Tasty burger won the battle on Sunday. Guilt and regret followed close behind and it tasted great. I’ve started again today and should really carry a copy of ‘Don’t eat this book’ by Morgan Spurlock to put me off eating the bloody stuff again. Certainly if I had to kill it, I’d never eat it… Diet War. Food 1 – Me 0.
I’m looking at taking a long weekend at a B&B somewhere. Cork in Ireland is an early favourite for me and Fleur. Anyone got any other ideas???

Finally, the Mini is due for its MOT any day now, along with a new TAX disc. It’s going to be an expensive month!!! Wish me luck…


Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you…

Well the past few days back at work have had more downs than ups. Its clear to me that some people are trying to catch me out to prove something. I’m glad to say that these people are failing. Not that I get a sorry for making accusations or getting it wrong. Also it’s been a week of people that are in angry mode and want a fight over the most stupid of things. Either way, I didn’t let these people get the better of me but it has taken it’s toll on my mood. I’m slowly being worn down by all the business bollocks that I’m sure happens in every business but not being listened to is really insulting to my experience. I just want to go to work and be treated like an adult and not like a C**T.

My Diet War continues and so far I’m feeling okay. I’m not missing bad food for lunch or Cornflakes in the morning. I’m saving a fortune and I’m feeling better for it. I’m still some way off running the London marathon on the 25th April but if I can lose weight slow and steady I might keep it off. However, I’m having a small side effect. Spots. Why am I getting spots when I don’t eat bad food. Maybe my body is rejecting the goodness.

I wanted to pay my road tax today online. No such luck. Turns out my MOT wasn’t added to the database and now I have to queue up at the post office with all the scumbags. Cashier number 8 please!!! £210 to drive on pot holed roads with speed mountains on every street, parking restrictions everywhere and fuel prices to rival that of Bull Semen. Rip off Britain and I hear fuel is about to go up again.

I think I’m becoming Victor Meldrew. “Unbelievable! I don’t bloody believe it”


Arsehole Day…

Woke up and the Royal Navy had gone first thing… Sad for my friend Adrian who would have loved seeing a few sailors first thing in the morning!!! 🙂

Well, today was one of those days when every arsehole in the world missed the psychiatric ward and wanted to argue the toss about the most stupid of things. One said, “I bought a printer in 1971 and I’d like a refund as it’s not the right colour…” Well, not really but not far off. Also had a question regarding my right to remove something from sale as it was marked up wrong. Wild horses wouldn’t make me give away £200 worth of discount. However, I couldn’t get any help to make sure I was right to do it. I looked online, on our Intranet, called the Pope and called Head office who couldn’t offer a nuggets worth of advice. Good to know you’re backed up… In the end the customer left before I could get an answer. Only later in the day did the answer come in the form of a web question that said, !Yes I can refuse to sell an item.” Phew!!! Not a nice one that…

My cousin has found some pictures of me taken in 1980 at a fancy dress party. I’m not sure I’ll post them, unless I get some requests??? More over it was great to see my grand parents looking so young and my dad so healthy. Even if he is dressed as a woman!!!

My DIET WAR is in it’s second day. I didn’t feel too bad really. Grapes and water have kept me going along with the Slim Fast. Got a bit hungry towards the end of the day. I had to pop into Sainsburys to get some milk. Never shop on an empty stomach. I spent £25.

You live and learn.


Back to work with a Lobster…

Well, I went back to work today after a 10 day break. Not much had changed and the day was fairly packed with meetings, catching up on emails and trying to sort out the recruitment that I had so carefully planned and had now to be brought to a halt as the funding had fallen through. The system that deals with them will send out an email to say sorry but you’re not wanted. However I had to do this for each application and it took forever. To be honest, I gave up after an hour and I’ve still got more to do on that and the two jobs I put up.
I also picked today to start a diet. I need to get fitter and lose some weight. I went out with Sam the other day, which is when we ate that Big Ben burger, and I was following Sam up the escalator steps at TCR when my legs started to hurt in the same way they would if I’d set fire to them. Not a god sign. I’ve decided to start off with the slim fast option. It’s not much fun for a man that likes his food. I’ll only stay on it for a couple of weeks and then go over to the healthy but proper size portions. As apposed to the mountain of food I’d normally eat.
I decided today to have a Lobster Ceasar salad for dinner. I’d not done it before. I attacked it with a knife, a steak hammer and brute force. I managed to get some meat out of it before giving up. Still better than nothing, however I will not be doing it again. Too much effort… For god sake… I’m starving!!!